Isotropic3D: Image-to-3D Generation Based on a Single CLIP Embedding



Encouraged by the growing availability of pre-trained 2D diffusion models, image-to-3D generation by leveraging Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) is making remarkable progress. Most existing methods combine novel-view lifting from 2D diffusion models which usually take the reference image as a condition meanwhile applying hard L2 image supervision at the reference view. Yet heavily adhering to the image is prone to corrupting the inductive knowledge of the 2D diffusion model leading to flat or distorted 3D generation frequently. In this work, we reexamine image-to-3D in a novel perspective and present Isotropic3D, an image-to-3D generation pipeline that takes only an image CLIP embedding as input. Isotropic3D allows the optimization to be isotropic w.r.t. the azimuth angle by solely resting on the SDS loss. The core of our framework lies in a two-stage diffusion model fine-tuning. Firstly, we fine-tune a text-to-3D diffusion model by substituting its text encoder with an image encoder, by which the model preliminarily acquires image-to-image capabilities. Secondly, we perform fine-tuning using our Explicit Multi-view Attention (EMA) which combines noisy multi-view images with the noise-free reference image as an explicit condition. CLIP embedding is sent to the diffusion model throughout the whole process while reference images are discarded once after fine-tuning. As a result, with a single image CLIP embedding, Isotropic3D is capable of generating multi-view mutually consistent images and also a 3D model with more symmetrical and neat content, well-proportioned geometry, rich colored texture, and less distortion compared with existing image-to-3D methods while still preserving the similarity to the reference image to a large extent.

Isotropic3D is proficient in generating multi-view images that maintain mutual consistency, as well as producing a 3D model characterized by symmetrical and neat content, regular geometry, rich colored texture, and less distortion, all while preserving similarity to reference image.



Isotropic3D Pipeline


Multi-view Diffusion Pipeline (upper) & Explicit Multi-view Attention (bottom)

Qualitative comparisons with baseline models

Qualitative comparisons in different settings

CCR is denote as channel-concatenate reference image. "NOTHING" means that it does not generate anything. When removing CCR and L2 supervision together, this is equivalent to using only a single CLIP embedding.

Two groups of results are from two runs by Isotropic3D

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